Innovation meets everyday.
The Everyday Lab simplifies your well-being in one step
The Collagen that works
Did you know that collagen taken in the traditional way is only absorbed at a rate of 25%?
Forget about mixing or taking uncomfortable pills, our collagens contain all the mega boost your body needs with maximum absorption directly into the bloodstream.
Our Ultimate Collagen Boost
Our Liquid Collagen
Our Products
What they say about us
¡Creeles a ellos!
-Bad Hombre Magazine
“The Ultimate Collagen Boost promete mejorar la firmeza y elasticidad de la piel, sino que también ofrece beneficios específicos para la salud sexual masculina.”
-Shanik en Fórmula
“Innovando la forma de tomar suplementos”
-Quien Magazine
“The Everyday Lab presenta al mercado mexicano su Colágeno que viene a revolucionar con su tecnología, logrando una absorción de hasta el 99%.”
-NeoMen MX
“Los productos innovadores como los de The Everyday Lab representan una verdadera revolución en la forma en que entendemos y abordamos el cuidado de la piel.”
-111 Mag
“"No solo te ayuda a sentirte mejor durante el sexo, sino que también apoya la salud general de tus zonas íntimas."”
-Stalkeo Empresarial
“wow, es un producto muy novedoso e interesante.”
"I can't believe how easy it is now to take my collagen, every morning a few drops when I wake up and that's it!"
"I am delighted with the results of vaginal collagen! Since I started using it, I have noticed an incredible improvement in the firmness and elasticity of my intimate skin.
"I loved that it is a gel, in 4 days I finished my routine for the month and above all I saw my skin much brighter."
"I would definitely recommend it to all women who want to take care of their feel incredible inside and out! I see it in my skin too."