Gels as vaginal drug delivery systems
National Library of Medicine
Vaginal collagen I and III changes after carbon dioxide laser application in postmenopausal women with the genitourinary syndrome: a pilot study
National Library of Medicine
Absorption from the vagina
National Library of Medicine
Feeling dry down there? Gynaecologist reveals why collagen can help vaginal dryness
Helathista- Charlotte Dormon
What is Collagen and types of Collagen
Michelle Llamas, BCPA- DrugWatch
Absorption and metabolism of orally administered collagen hydrolysates evaluated by the vascularly perfused rat intestine and liver in situ
National Library of Medicine
Avances recientes en sistemas de administración de fármacos vaginales basados en polímeros
Natasa Skalko-Basnet, Editora Académica
Uso potencial de péptidos antimicrobianos como espermicidas/microbicidas vaginales.
Tanphaichitr N., Srakaew N., Alonzi R., Kiattiburut W., Kongmanas K., Zhi R., Li W., Baker M., Wang G.
Innovaciones en el sistema de administración de fármacos vaginales bioadhesivos.